Simeen Khoylou Acupuncture Lic Ac, MBAcC, Lic CHM, MRCHM, FwSS Neal's Yard, Covent Garden, Central London
and Crystal Palace SE19


Acupuncture. pIC Acu 2

Acupuncture. acu woman back


      is an ancient healing art dating back to over 2000 years in which fine needles are inserted into the surface of the body at specific therapeutic points. After a detailed assessment of the client’s condition a combination of points is selected for needling. The needles are fine, disposable and designed for hygiene and comfort. They are quickly and gently inserted into the Acu-points to stimulate the flow of

Qi (vital energy).

  • Acupuncture clears blockages
  • Enhances and supports areas of weakness to overcome imbalances
  • Releases tension and prevents the build-up of negative energies, such as phlegm, toxins, inflammations, cold, damp etc.

  • Harmonises the flow of energy and eases emotional stress.

Acupuncture. acu man face


      is safely and effectively used in many conditions both





It strengthens the immune system, prevents illness, balances the emotions and supports a healthy lifestyle.


      The client’s condition is assessed on the basis of oriental medical principles and diagnosis by:

  • Feeling the pulse
  • Looking at the tongue, complexion and posture
  • Listening to the voice and observing the breathing
  • Evaluating the person’s emotional state

  • Asking questions about one’s condition, medical history, family medical history, diet and lifestyle
    I will also take into consideration any medical or other therapies, as well as contraindication to treatments.

      The needles are normally retained for approximately


      minutes and may be supplemented by the use of


    (a smouldering herb use to warm an Acupuncture point to facilitate the free flow of Qi).

Acupuncture. needle display1

For further information on what Acupuncture is used for, please look at some of the research and resource links below
Visit The British Acupuncture Council website:
BAcC website

All members of The British Acupuncture Council adhere to a Strict Code of Safe Practice which stipulates the use of single use sterile needles in a hygienic environment.

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